Chazmo's Canyons
Heart Attack


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The highlight of this canyon is the very start, a 40m overhang abseil which can be slung from two different points.
This canyon located in the Wollemi National Park starts out as a walk down a scrubby creek, then from nowhere this 40m hole appears which is where the real fun begins. The canyon is harder to get to now due to the recent closure of the fire trail by National Parks. You now need that new piece of equipment, the mountain bike for the 5km ride to the carpark. Navigation into this canyon can be tricky as is the exit. Map and compass a must. Gps comes in handy also for the keen canyoner.

Heart Attack 40m abseil

Pictured left is Todd at the 'Big Drop', ready to take the 40m plunge. Quite a spectacular abseil.

Heart Attack

Above is Todd and Mark at the bottom of the 40m abseil. As you can see this canyon is very photogenic. From here there are a few more abseils, climb downs, and swims. There is a great spot for lunch at the end before the exit.